How Do I Pay For Treatment
Positive Peers

Let’s face it, healthcare coverage can get expensive! When you have a ton of bills to pay on top of healthcare costs, it can get overwhelming, fast! Try not to despair because we’ll let you in on a little secret: there are actually a lot of different ways to help cover your HIV treatment costs. 

So what are the different ways you can pay for your HIV treatment?

  • Health insurance: This might be the first option that comes to mind. Whether your insurance is through work or the Marketplace, it’s intended to help you cover your medical expenses. You may be worried about paying for treatment through private health insurance because the copays can really add up. Less than one-third of folks living with HIV pay for the treatment with private insurance. But if you’re lucky enough to have it, you may also qualify for the Ryan White program to cover the cost of your premiums and copays, as long as you make less than 300-500% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in most states. For example, in Ohio, if you make $62,000 per year and have insurance through your employer, you still qualify for the Ryan White program to cover your premiums (the amount your job takes out of your check to pay for your health insurance) and copays.

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